
An executor of Turing machines.

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Class: Machine

class machine.Machine()

The Turing’s machine.


Get the alphabet of the machine.


Get the blank character of the machine.


Get the first state of the machine (the initial state).


Get the program of the machine.


Get the states of the machine.

static is_direction(to_check: str)

Check if a string represents a valid direction for a Turing machine.

is_halt(state: str)

Check if a state is an halting state for the machine.

is_state(to_check: str)

Check if a string is a valid state for the machine.

is_symbol(to_check: str)

Check if a character is a valid symbol for the machine.

set_alphabet(new_alpha: str)

Set the alphabet of the Turing machine.

set_halting_states(halting_states: List[str])

Set the machine’s halting states.

set_program(new_program: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Optional[Tuple[str, str, str]]])

Set the program of the machine.

set_states(new_states: List[str])

Set the machine’s states.